I fuck my knit polo. It’s ok I guess.
I fuck my knit polo. It’s ok I guess.
I fuck my knit polo. It’s ok I guess.
I fuck my knit polo. It’s ok I guess.
You know you can fucking swear here, right?
In state residents don’t get the same tuition benefits as non-citizens? Your entire argument would be a lot better if you did some basic research first.
Both sides wanted him not to play for the rest of the season. That he was in the lineup at all was because of a league mandate, you know because they are selling an entertainment product, whereas Davis wants to win now and the Pelicans wanted to win later. The trade demand was foolish in the same manner that breaking…
Goddamnit Neil, I haven’t done anything for 23 years and you still look younger than me. What are you, drinking unicorn blood?
Oh my god, just go away and find something else to do with your time.
I like you.
I absolutely love how the most butthurt commenters in all of Kinja (outside of the Bitcoin worshipers even though I’m sure there’s a lot of overlap) are here. Just being sadsacks. It’s refreshing but like in the way that a cool breeze coming off the low tide on a hot summer’s day is refreshing.
“It’s just not that simple. Once you get that livable wage, all of a sudden clothing costs more, groceries cost more, a $500 phone is now $2000. Your intentions are good but your plan is not exactly feasible.”
But but but, the free market at work!?!?!
I just started reading Sixty Million Frenchmen Can’t Be Wrong and even though it was published in 2003, I loved that the foreword was already saying “Tom Friedman is a big fat idiot”. France was not and is still not going to implode just because Friedman doesn’t understand how it functions.
This would not be the first time that Europe has looked towards the western isles and gone “there is nothing there worth the effort. Goodbye”.
I was broadcasting (since that’s what I do for a living) a symposium on Racism In 2019 and one of the main discussions was about combatting topic fatigue IE “there’s White Fragility, there’s Micro Aggressions, there’s Institutional Bias etc. and it can just seem like too much and make people want to throw up their…
What the fresh hell is this?
I did not realize that it was the job of any elected official to help the President. What with this being a representative democracy and all, I thought they were supposed to represent the will of their constituency. Wild stuff, I know, but I think I’m right.
Do you have a mechanized method for sniffing your own farts or is this the most efficient way?
Also, Mitch is an aristocrat. In the truest sense of the form, that he believes in the power and divine nature of a ruling class so whenever democracy and capitalism class (his version of capitalism is essentially aristocratic rule) he will justify anything that he does by telling himself that he’s ensuring that the…
I certainly hope it hasn’t become passe to ship characters from my favorite sitcom onto my favorite book series. Oh, you know who I’m talking about!
Oh yes it fucking should because otherwise, that’s where your tax dollars are going. Well, not yours because like most plebes who believe in aristocracies, you take more than you give but the general “you”. But your concept of privatizing profit and publicly sharing risk is fucking stupid.