Sonic Reducer 151

Ah, you mean dick. I do enjoy a good Edgelord who’s trying to push boundaries every now and then. It’s natural at that age to try to figure out exactly what is and what is not socially acceptable. 

Well it would save everyone some time.

Dark, edgy humor is very frequently just assholes being mean. A great barometer of this is the fantastic Always Sunny. The show works because the characters are frequently racist, sexists, cruel and violent but A) the jokes are generally at their own expense or B) they are not rewarded for their shitty anti-social

I believe you meant to say “re-brand” as the term has already been branded and weaponized by the right as a a convenient punching bag as meaning... whatever they need it to mean in order to define the left as whatever they’re upset about that day.

Giuliani insisted that “I don’t think I said nobody signed it”

Sounds like you might be in IT project management, which sucks.

I don’t understand why people assume that employers are good, union bosses are greedy, or vice versa. I also don’t understand why people think a union is an affront to management and/or ownership. This reminds me of older forms of government, be it the Augustus of the Roman Empire or the Divine Monarchies of medieval

I do not believe that reading these emails was good for me.

It’s nice to hear from someone with all the insight of a parent disciplining a 14 year old. If those pesky unions won’t keep it down back there, you better turn that business right around and go back home, mister!

For real. I remember reading a deconstruction of why so many people wrote essentially the same story as Harry Potter and then sued Rowling which laid out exactly suits like this are ridiculous. Basically it was that Potter is basically a classic Arthurian tale (Sword in the Stone type) and as such had to be an orphan,

Counter-point - Mike Pence is a fucking idiot who can’t even balance his own household budget and was dead broke when leaving the Governor’s house in Indiana and used campaign funds to pay for his mortgage because he is a fucking idiot.

If you plant your roots carefully, eventually over time you’ll be able to grow through the wall itself.

Ugh. Remember. On the internet, nobody knows you’re a coward. Nobody.

No. I have no idea how you think it’s a semantics problem. Do you really think that the cause and consequences of the Rice family incidence and this one are in any way similar? Fisking the offhand comments of some announcers is in no way, shape or form more “interesting” than reiterating the fact that domestic

Bush was given a VP nod precisely because he was something Regan wasn’t, and the quick end to his presidential tenure arrived because he wasn’t enough of anything to deserve another shot at defining it. To file Bush away under Reagan is lazy history.

It may be technically illegal but considering that it’s a fantastic way for rich offspring to gain/retain political clout for their families, not too many people directly affected are going to complain too hard. It’s not too dissimilar from medieval/renaissance Europe sending a 2nd son into the clergy or a daughter to

Accept 100% agrees with you

That’s true to a point, in that a degree from Mass Art or some other lower tier school and a UPenn film/theatre graduate that I’m interviewing for a position next week. I graduated from a top 30 liberal arts school and was able to fuck around in my early 20s and still get interviews for positions very easily when I

Yeah. In addition for it to be frustrating to have all sorts of difficulties trying to actually converse with the people on here, I now have the oddest kinja account of all time as the only sites I’m ungreyed on are Jezebel and Jalopnik.

Outside of Air BnB, I’d wager that the technological advances of a soldier’s quarters have not kept up with that of their armaments. And Federalist 29 was proven wrong when Napoleon showed how stupid the Jacobins and Thermidorians were to think a citizen militia could win wars because they were free citizens fighting