Sonic Reducer 151

Oh yes! And what a fantastic fucking stroke of luck it was for the financial industry that every worker in America now has “skin in the game” instead of fully funded pensions! We better bail the billionaires out again or none can retire! Whomp, whomp.

How has the Splinter purge been affecting your content? More or less eyes on your vine-ripened takes?

And what a buncha yahoos will say is “What’s to stop all these companies from moving all their production outside of the country then?”

Especially the b) question there. Nothing weirds me out more than seeing a Go Fund Me account for someone’s surgery but it’s even more depressing when it’s a vet who you would think is entitled to a lifetime of healthcare.

Hey now fellow Republicans, just because Trump is the antithesis of everything we claim to stand for does not mean that we should vote out the people responsible for his rise to power. That would, somehow, be poor governance!

God I hope Babe Ruth accepts it in person.

It’s kind of cute how woefully naive James Madison was when crafting the separation of powers into the federal and Virginia state constitutions (many others were modeled after or similarly to Virginia’s) in thinking that there would be absolutely no way that the legislative branch would willingly concede power to the

Honestly, I’m still a little disappointed since I was emotionally invested in Beto O’Rourke and Stacey Abrams and had wanted them to win more than any other candidates nationally. I understand that overall, it’s fantastic to have so many shitty Governors out and the House flip but I’m still a little bummed out about


Good lord, I hope not.

Yeah, one of the things I like most about the commenters here are that many are not only intelligent and thoughtful but experienced in many fields that are relevant to the discussion topics (lawyers, doctors, professors, basically the educated class) and have insight that most writers lack, let alone the hoi polloi

By far the comments I’m most annoyed/disappointed with are the mindless “what did you expect, Reputhuglicans are evil hurr durr”. It’s like saying “NE CHEATriats are losers!!!” on Pro Football Talk or something. Followed closely by people who cannot abide even the mildest criticism of Obama. He had to make hundreds of


I don’t even know if he or the GOP or scared so much as they know that this bullshit works. That’s what I find most infuriating, the fact that it does work.

To be fair, I believe that Ainge wanted Justise Winslow who is also butt so it’s more of a distinction without a difference.

Somebody’s touchy about their basketblog.

That’s just not true. Per Adweek

You certainly owned those cucks my edgelord friend.

Seems legit. 

Did the President just say that people will be “arrested for a long time”? Sigh.