
Dude. I’m a black woman.

Dope. Thanks😊

Yeah, it’s emotionally exhausting and sometimes even trauma inducing for POC to have to constantly call out racism and white supremacy and explain it’s dehumanizing affects to a largely clueless group for whom it’s only a “thought excercise.”

Okay. Another commenter posted this below and I think it needs to be repeated. Let’s ask the same question to 10 year old kids and replace KKK with rapist.


You are clueless.

Many teachers wouldn’t try it cause it’s racist as fuck. Can you imagine how the 9/10 year old black children felt in that class? Please imagine being a 10 year old black child being ask to imagine why the KKK would want to murder and brutalize your ancestors. The motivation of people in the KKK is hate. That’s the

Hey POC if you are shocked (I shouldn’t be) and angry about all these white ladies in the comments talking about how this is an interesting excercise in critical thinking, The Root posted this yesterday, you may want to head over there as the comment section on Jezebel is often hostile to POC.

What fucking white nonsense is this? This teacher is ahead of the curve? Get the fuck out. When women are raped and brutalized is it ahead of the curb to ask that victim or the people around them to get in the head of perpetrator? Fucking nonsense. You are clueless and white peoples cluelessness when it comes to race

This is what white people dont understand. It does not matter what the teacher’s intention was. The excercise was racist and certainly damaging to students, particularly students of colour.

Thank you Damon. This is why VSB is indeed very smart.

As a straight white male GTFO or shut up.

No black people don’t have time for a battle of the sexes but we certainly have time to address and deal with mysogyny in Black communities because black people will not get anywhere if the mistreatment of black women from black men continues. We need each other.

There would be no BLM if black women didn’t create it. 3 black women created BLM.

Wut. The. Fuck? Most black people don’t hate white people, we hate white supremacy. And the ignorance of whites. Like your comment is completely clueless but you are writing like you actually know something. Right, cause it’s black people who ostracize ourselves. It’s our fault. Your comment is ridiculous, clueless on

Oh yes, and white supremacy.

God bless our Jamaican grandmothers and Aunties. Those women are fierce. My Jamaican grandmother died a few years ago She looked so much like Ms. Moss. I’ve never met another woman like my Grandmother. She was a Queen who worked hard and loved harder. I pray all the time to have her strength, grace and courage. God

Citizen is a rascist troll. I think any decent human being can empathize with the sentiment of rising up against an oppressor. It’s a very human instinct. Black resistance has him afraid because he’s not a decent person.

Ya, black people hate labels too. Guess what? We didn’t invent identity politics. Hmm.. I wonder who did.

Are you fucking kidding me? What clueless white nonsense is this?