Truly terrible that a lady with a long history of mental illness who had just killed her baby couldn't do it again. Oh, the horrors
Truly terrible that a lady with a long history of mental illness who had just killed her baby couldn't do it again. Oh, the horrors
Same here. If you know that's the price of admission, why is everyone complaining? Just don't date her if you want a blowjob. It's that easy.
We were out for a big birthday dinner at one of those expensive Brazilian meat-on-a-sword places, and 90% of the people at the restaurant were dressed up. But there was a table of people in sweats. Seriously? You're out to dinner on a Saturday night in a major US city, and you're wearing gray sweatpants and a gray…
So true. My husband and I (met online) didn't even bother moving in together til we were engaged. We'd both done the living together thing with other people. It doesn't mean shit. (Nice thing is, since we met in our 30s we knew it was right pretty damn early on. No time for bullshit.)
Because it's proper adulting.
Dear Dudes,
Spend the time you are now using harassing women about their dating preferences on the internet buying a fucking bedframe.
Maybe I'm not doing a good enough job explaining myself. I'm not saying you need to have a four poster bed, but box springs don't belong directly on the floor. You need a frame, at the bare minimum:…
Wait wait, people actually care about bed frames?
I'm not sleeping (or having sex) with you if you have a mattress on the floor. Grow up. It's not cute.
I happen to know that my mom fucks like a competition cheerleader with a buzzer ring stuck in her ass! In fact she supports me and my seven microcephalic siblings on tips she earns from the local alley-trade behind our trailer. That woman is a SAINT!
When did 20% become the "bare minimum"? I usually always tip 20% (unless ordering drinks only, where my standard is $1 per drink), but I never considered it a minimum. Not even at a nice restaurant. In fact, at a nice restaurant 20% means they are usually getting at least $20 per table of 2, which is a pretty good…
Some places ask for this. I used to be a member of a car club, where we would meet, and 40-100 of us would go out to eat somewhere.... I always tried to call over an hour ahead, but some places simply said "we dont take reservations...."
I recall one time I was answered by the manager... he said "We dont take…
So, to comment on that first story, there is no sandwich more misunderstood than the Rueben. Only in California have I had problems ordering a Reuben. It's listed on a menu at a deli and you're asked questions like:
It seems like a classic case of university administration prioritizing the appearance of appropriate action over doing what is actually fair and appropriate.
Is it any surprise that in a panoptic-world, contradictions, terrible actions, secret taboo delights, and the mixed mourning for privacy recreates these kinds of stories until we either get bored with enjoying their accompanying judgements or change our actions?
And your martini had better be made with gin, or else it's just a cocktail. I'm talking to you, vodka.
"A reuben on wheat which he ate with no complaints."
I know splitting checks can be a pain, especially on certain POS systems, but I think the tips tend to be better when everyone is doing their own bill instead of throwing in based on the group total.
YES TO BOTH. Our menuboard only lists "Iced Latte" as an option, but guaranteed every summer we get a few people who ask for an iced cappuccino. I blame Starbucks, Tim Horton's, et all.