
dude don't deserve to wear that shirt....he sucks.

so does the lunch lady at apple get this note too?

Yeah I don't have a clue how popular burger joints are in europe or another country. I thought its just an american thing. Thanks!

is Mcdonalds even popular in UK?

I bet right now the foul ball they caught is probably sitting in the glove box of their car. if they want the negativity around them to go away...just go over to the kid's house, give him the ball, give him a hug and tell him the ball means a lot more to him then to them. Thats it, done, and easy. And afterwards go

it's his tears of joy for finally hitting a 3.

I'd like it better if jay-z face was on there.

lol it looks like the couple never notice the kid crying or being near.

I had the htc radar for a couple of months and ended up selling it. I think the big issue with windows phone is that its metro OS is too elegant and too busy for the average user. The iphone OS may look boring with rows of icons but those rows of icons are simple, easy to use and navigate around to the avg user.

I want to try but I'm afraid the person behind my $5 girlfriend is a 40 year old fat dude...

I would take a google phone over a facebook phone any day.

If I was the judge I would have the landlord stay a month in the hunted house. If he survives then I would drop the case.

All I can say is....that's one last step for man, one last leap for mankind. :(

can we get this in high res? :)

I was wondering why Magic was still working for TNT after he just bought the Dodgers.

I don't see a movie?

50 stores is not a lot. Where I am there are about 5 best buys within 10 miles. One of them closing within those 10 mile is not a big deal..

Might as well give us a car that can drive itself...

Youtube wants to see the store video this. Millions would LOL...

Just wait a few weeks and this will drop to free.