
Oops, meant my response to Zeetal to be to you...still not used to using this.

That IS a much better name. I heard a thing on I believe it was NPR that was talking about how up until recently a lot of doctors would still try to prescribe diagnosed CFS patients more exercise- which is super bad if it isn’t done in a suuuper gradual, limited , personalized and monitored manner (as I’m sure you’re

I’m sorry for them cause that’s no fun. I remember high school and a lot of college parties that were very drink-centric, but that’s the way my parents describe high school parties/dances and I get the sense that’s not a “millennial”,but rather an age thing. A lot of work parties I’ve gone to (me being the youngest by

Guh, can we not “uhmigosh millenialllls” eeeeverthing? Sorry, but this is a pet peeve of mine. I’m a millennial, as is my SO, as are both my younger sister’s and most of my friends. I don’t at all consider myself worldly-wise at 29, but I, like many commenters, almost never drink (and the are occasion I do I have 1 or

The argument you’re making about how white people don’t identify as white so it shouldn’t be framed that way: not having to identify oneself as white is an aspect of white privilege. “White”, as the privileged majority, is seen as the “non-color” by many (especially white) people. This definitely does not mean that

I think it’s because as white men they’ve grown up with the expectation (from society/media) that they personally have a right to the woman they want (just as they do a job and a house) and when they don’t get those things they feel cheated. Certain groups (like those on the right and very explicitly the sites Roof

“I expect them to create and perform music. I don’t need to hear or care about their opinions on anything beyond that, especially when their lives are so far divorced from the reality of the masses”.

I say “nope” to both of them: Team Neither. They both perpetuate “cat fight” type dramas to get headlines, claiming to be about”girl power” while tearing other women down. They both obsessively proclaim how over their exes they are while explicitly linking themselves and their songs to famous guys, again trying to

If you are genuinely asking for responses I can obviously only speak for myself.

This is my response to so many things I’ve seen/that I see (I’m not clear in this instance which parent is white and which is the POC - parent OC). I’ve mentioned in a past post that I mostly present as white almost everywhere (except southern California; I’m half-Mexican), so I’ve almost never had to deal with racism

Uhhh... I count at least 3 times the article explicitly states that the boy was hanged from a tree. It says the teens stood on a picnic table - I don’t even know where you got bench - to get the rope and then that’s where they pushed the young boy off of.

I think the mom seems plenty outraged, but she also does have to make sure not to be seem “hysterical” bc if her tone is too strong (cursing too much, calling for action too strongly, calling out racial injustice too strongly) people will use that to discount/ignore what she is saying.

Sadly, so true. I posted on the article about the lynching of the 8 year old boy by the white teenagers basically saying that this is exactly the “MAGA”past most Trump voters were voting for. Complete with lynchings white people won’t be held accountable for and Jim Crow laws trying to be brought back (here’s the Jim

Personally I’d say this isn’t something that I’ve found to be too _physically_ pleasurable (despite the fact I tend to be quite sensitive in this area). That isn’t to say it can’t be quite enjoyable when done correctly (based on the mental aspect, partner enjoyment/appreciation, not to mention the slightly “naughty”

Thank you for that :) I try my best. It’s amazing to me how much some kind words like this can make my day. Just as venom can really bring a person down. Thank you for taking the time to send some kindness my way. You have a good one, too.

Maybe instead of arming our cops up in some crazy arms race between citizens and cops, we could tighten our gun laws. Did you stop to think that maybe there is higher respect for cops in other countries bc they actually serve the community and the lack of weapons they have compared to cops in this country probably

Yes! I recommended the Drizzt series but was pending before you posted it (just started posting). Personally I read the series in the order written (where the Dark Elf Trilogy is kind of a prequel written after the Icewind Dale trilogy and maybe a couple others) and I’m really glad I did.

I promise I’m not a troll I just don’t know how to use this new-fangled internet thing! I’ve been reading the root for a couple years now, but just started commenting cause I made an account for the first time (I think on another site). I generally hesitate to say anything online at all, but particularly here as I

Meant to reply to you. See my response to disco_tango_wisky about Seattle de-escalation teams below. I’ll just slink away embarrassed at my inability to post now. ..

Oooops. New to this posting. Can’t successfully edit for some reason. Meant my previous post as a response to HuskyBro. To you: