
Its ok to have your own opinion......(whisper) just don’t let the internet know it.

Its funny because I think I remember stories of her leaving Depp to date a woman and that forced Depp to pop the question. Now she dates the director of IT, so I think she has a type.

What else does MTV do anymore

They realized that Tampa doesn’t deserve a title

Ciara was excited that he finally stopped holding out 

Soccer fights are the best because no one knows how to use their hands

+1 to nephew fucking

It did but it was glossed over pretty quick

Maybe they are lacking because a giant army is on its way?

This episode was clearly a off shoot of Curb

+1 to seeing everything

Jon sure gets horny around waterfalls and those dragons were like please dont fuck her.

I realized that the first time in a while someone got laid

Hey, people in Westeros are open minded about things and maybe Brienne can have both.

Because the boy was the lord of his house

That’s the week after next when they show up

I guess Tim Duncan really influenced a generation of defenders in soccer because none of them seem to EVER commit a foul.

No, BeCaUsE tHaT iS hOw FaNdOm WoRkS

Talked about

Skip over that lovely ass of Jon Snow is such a shame, but very necessary. Also, Qyburn was pretty aroused by the wight and I AM HYPED for Sunday