Yeah, Dana is angry now and I love it
Yeah, Dana is angry now and I love it
Ill change it to a memorable third act that almost makes you forget about the movie that has somehow made 800 million.
Trump has given racists power in America they never had before
I loved every minute of both docs and I loved how he thought he could compare Fyre( who took no blame) to Samsung( which tried to fix the issue and then took the blame) without any hesitation
Bohemian Rhapsody
Creepy but that’s about it
No, Disney pushed it to the summer
Of course
As long as Trump plays with their butt holes
Regional Amateurs
I guess the goalie has the biggest because he never misses a game
I’ve watched the Hulu doc and I’m curious to see the Netflix version now
Everyone wants a bigger payday
That’s a nice pay day
That skit is old enough to be a girl R Kelley looks for
Love for Glass but no love for Shazam!
Why no Bad Bunny video?
I can easily be against the Washington Veterans because Dan Snyder would still be the owner