Patriots, Cowboys, Packers, Dolphins,Seahawks, and Vikings. Oddly, except for the Patriots, those are all 1 o’clock games. Its like the NFL wants to bury the Lions early.
Patriots, Cowboys, Packers, Dolphins,Seahawks, and Vikings. Oddly, except for the Patriots, those are all 1 o’clock games. Its like the NFL wants to bury the Lions early.
Free beer, that’s what would happen if the browns win.
Weed is.
Not Chris Carter
This show. That is what will die this year.
Brown People. Thats why and all the points she brings up are valid in a different argument, but this argument is about 3000 American lives lost.
Especially over 13 seasons, man that’s like 5 win........ this was a sex joke wasnt?
Just let him live.
Its like he wants to be a coach and learn from bad plays.......
Thats what the report says
One, the hollywood reporter, states they are going to stop focusing on Superman and make Supergirl the focus of the DCEU “That’s because the studio has shifted its focus to a Supergirl movie, which will be an origin story featuring a teen superheroine. This effectively removes an actor of Cavill’s age from the…
All these stories contradict each other. They want to focus on Supergirl but they want to bring in Michael B Jordan to be superman? Sounds like the sources are doing coke as well.
Because you vape?
Where are all the nats fans? oh wait, the skins have a ga.......its a hockey town now so they are still partying?
Ahhh, the old I’m-the-dean-of-the-school-power-trip-that-leads-to-peeing-on-students-in-the-bathroom-and-no-one-can-stop-me routine.
Dumping tea due to rising taxes??????
Upon further review, the giants score is only that close because Saquon broke off a 60+ yard TD. Other wise you are looking at a 20-6 game.
I never remember the jets winning
It talked about this when the LA times first published this article. The studio can only perform a limited background check on potential employees. The production company does all the leg work and decides if they are ok with what comes back. As for declaring, he only needed to declare his status to his employer and,…