
I seem to remember reading a profile a long while back that said he had an offer from Va Tech but he didn't want to be the 14th man in the rotation. Maybe I'm wrong it was a while ago. He's an example though. You mean to tell me there's no one that's accepted a scholarship at a school to be a starter rather than at

You're mostly on point, but I think a lot of the anchor players in mid-majors would end up taking checks to go play somewhere and it would become mostly a two-tier system. Look at Steph Curry, as an example that's easy to think of. You think he would turn down a scholarship and a check from a power conference to lead

That's exactly it. It's a business decision to go after talented writers, so no one can be critical of that... but complaining about a lack of resources kind of conflicts with the reality of having the ability (read: resources) to hand out blank checks in the first place.

(Well, I don't know what they pay, but I've

This is the same "broke" Grantland that's poaching your writers by offering them more money, correct? That Grantland?

OK just checking.

tennis ball is clearly first, considering it's mostly child-proof, dog-proof, and can be used in emergencies as substitutes for a good number of the other balls on this list in a pinch.

tennis ball is clearly first, considering it's mostly child-proof, dog-proof, and can be used in emergencies as substitutes for a good number of the other balls on this list in a pinch.

Adequate Man is Deadspin's how-to. Concourse is most other things not pertaining to sports. music, TV, I think drunkspin is technically a spinoff of The Concourse...

But that said, I'm a pretty solid white boy hip-hop fan, but I rarely see eye-to-eye with Leslie when it comes to issues of taste, and never give a shit

as i recall, simmons openly admits he ripped it off from letterman, so probably not.

someone covered transactions as the best part, but the second best:

god damn it you beat me to it.

any yankee saying anything sucks is a major "pot calling the kettle black"

...charge your phone, your laptop, charge your phone from your laptop, and connect your PC to your external monitor...

Pete Carroll answered that question the same way recently, didn't fare so well.

i seem to remember reading something like stainless steel scouring pads and baking soda will really get the stink out, but i dont have stinky cutting boards so it's always been a non-issue for me.

i think kanye's most creative rework of a sample....

when pulling up the image for this article, this is what i saw:

high school gym class... i was the not-very-athletic-but-still-a-good-contributor type, still above average for a high school gym class.

anyways, we had a decent crop of DIII athletes. i somehow drew one of them as my assignment because we were similar in height, but not at all in ability, and i suppose because i was

9. Moving

oh my god, this is so good.