
we're still confused as to what triggered this latest regeneration. Electro-hug by a Cyberman? Hitting his head when he fell? The shuttle that came out of nowhere crashing?

Sink Me!!

Dear Despicable M3, Hello …. I must be going.

False Emojis!!

Looks like his co-host took a long walk on a short Pie … Blam! Thud! Well, so much for gun control ….

I'm sure the theaters will be pachydermed. Tusk tusk. Goodnight folks, thanks for coming!

I hope Hollywood remakes Dumbo drop soon, but with an all female elephant cast.

Can Pesci be The New Uncle Ben ?

Just stay cool and don't flipper them off.

I was excited until I realized it didn't say Becker. No mind wiped Ted Danson for us :(

Hey, why not? All The Cool Republicans are suing now.

Gene Wilder Homage - "Put …. the camera ….. BACK!!"

Just replace him with a new character played by David Odgen Stiers, it will be bettah.

So what will Cavill make for "MoS II: Martha Khan"?

I better start prospecting for those Old E.T. cartridges ….

I have instructed my 2 sons to each pick a different side in this conflict, so no matter who triumphs our lineage will be able to view comedic cinematic gems for generations to come.

Ruh Roh? Something something booby snack?

Excellent stuff.

Please lord, can we have just one news story that eventually just ends and is never heard from again this year?

And don't forget Jaws 4. Oh wait, strike that , we all need to go ahead and forget that.