I have most definitely talked myself into the idea that the Cavs have a chance. Well, that’s not entirely accurate, I’ve accepted that possibility since last year all the way through this season.
I have most definitely talked myself into the idea that the Cavs have a chance. Well, that’s not entirely accurate, I’ve accepted that possibility since last year all the way through this season.
they’re not american you dingus
“Why do I make everything about me.”
i mean they just call people by it. like Gweilo (round-eye), for instance.
it is in fact both morally and ethically wrong.
i’ve never really watched much soccer, but i’ll root for this kid.
so far from correct it’s not even funny
I mean the Balls would presumably be miserable in Philly but he’d be a great fit talent-wise. He’s a skilled ball handler and shooter and passer, so he adds a dimension of motion and space to the offense which could only help a player like simmons. They’d also be devastating in fast break situations.
when did wint start writing long-form?
even after you direct your life away from them, people continue to exist.
I’m pretty sure this franchise has plenty of momentum to push a third game even if Batman begins it as a thrall. They could turn it around and have remnants of his faction liberate him, or they could introduce an entirely new angle in the third game. But it definitely has enough going for it to sell. The whole dynamic…
that spiderman title looks like it could be so cool. the first spiderman game on the original xbox (spiderman the movie) was one of the most excellent superhero games i’ve ever played.
I’m not speaking for all fans but I know myself and a number of people don’t like Chuck (or the show in general) due to ignorance, we like him because he often has very, very good points to make on basketball. Frankly I love Chuck’s commentary, even if I don’t always agree with it. I think Shaq can be alright, but…
I mean some of them may not, but I’m frankly really looking forward to it. But the OP’s post these Snyder movies have been absolute trash, so I hope this one lives up to the character.
depends on whether you take honors courses or not, which are worth more credits than the standard track.
actually this video is butt due to the lack of kicks.
you don’t need logistical support from ISIS to advance their cause or be consumed by their ideology, the distributed responsibility and coordination of attacks is part and parcel of their overall strategy. it’s global guerrilla warfare.
it’s the sort of cynical accelrationist bullshit which shows up on these blogs rather frequently, tbh.
yeah def
“I reached out to Clara Moskowitz, the initial story’s editor at Scientific American about how she felt (full disclosure, I interned at SciAm and Moskowitz was one of my editors). “This piece fits right into the wheelhouse of what Scientific American likes to publish and wants to do: host a healthy scientific debate,”…