
The hilarious death of the NFL. Cut on one side for being too dangerous, cut on the other for being overly protectionist. Even if the pre-season and/or regular season get cut/spaced out this trend won’t change. Even better is watching people pretend to care even as they stamp the game out.

Well one of the big plots to the movie is that the world is covered in a force field. They have to execute their mission as quickly and stealthily as possible so they can transmit the data before it is shut and any escape is blocked. Getting their own bodies up in the air and out through the only exit was pretty much

Wait I’m confused, are we supposed to be rooting for a 31 y/o RB who has been through a metric fuck-ton of impacts to get back into the league of CTE? I thought we had moved on from that kind of thinking here.

It would be best if the little shit didn’t steal her pencil.

You’re right that that person was overreacting and plain incorrect but, did you not catch shit for being into Japanese culture when you were younger? Do you feel it is harmless to now use an insult aimed at people who share something in common with you? I mean if “weeb” was a joking thing between nerds that would be

surely sadder than watching abused animals run themselves into the ground, or abused humans run themselves into CTE.

This is a good quest.

Drives me nuts that Shannon’s Zod was sort of wasted like that. I believed in his conviction and anger.

Word Record and Detective story are 2 of my favorites from it, and of course The Second Renaissance, which is up there as one of the bleakest pieces of animation I’ve watched.

Lmao I love that opener. We can definitely agree that they have released a lot of crap in the comic movie blitz of the last decade. I do gotta ask though:

I was seriously concerned that you meant the first two Raimi-Man movies and I was all set to hell naw you.

You probably saw it, but the shit they got together for The Animatrix was straight awesome and a worthy companion to the original film.

You should watch this if you want to know more about him:

Well yeah that’s what they get out of it but the free your mind/Red Pill bit could apply to any mind opening experience in life, including changing to support feminism, or whatever other cause. Basically Red Pill has been branded as belonging to the cold-hearted, but you could use it anywhere.

I volunteer to help reverse engineer that solution.

“Even if he were playing well, Steph Curry could only paper over those cracks, not fill them.

Which other 2? The other 2 spider-man movies?

It is not better than even Man of Steel, which while quite bad was not nearly as embarrassing to witness. It’s definitely not better than the first Amazing Spider-Man. Half the X-Men movies I’ll give you, but I’d watch any of them before Spider-man 3 with the possible exception of X-3. It isn’t more watchable than

“According to Market Watch the top 40% of earners in the US pay 98% plus of income taxes.. The top .1% (115,000 households) pay 20% of the income taxes. How much more progressive can we make it? In fact over 43% of all Americans pay no income tax at all.”

Well that and the broad takeaway for a great many people has been: oh wow he pays taxes.