I am feeling EXTREMELY itchy to play through this title as both main characters. Gimme that good stuff Arkane!
I am feeling EXTREMELY itchy to play through this title as both main characters. Gimme that good stuff Arkane!
it’s fun style!
What I repeatededly see in these Gawker takedowns of Silver (are they all Feinberg? It feels like they are. Maybe Petchesky or Burneko get involved) are accusations that Silver doesn’t know what he’s talking about, and that accusation seems to be grounded on the basis that Silver’s talking points don’t square with his…
you think? you couldn’t even come up with half an answer.
that is kind of awesome, but i’ll probably be playing V up through when they inevitably squash that bug.
Most of your 20s? It was 3 years. 10%? Do you have a severe alcohol or heroin problem? Are you not going to make it past 30? Should i paste some hotlines for you?
Yeah, a summary, the TL;DR, because none of those additional tables or pages have anything worthwhile to offer. You could have made it more clear from the beginning that you ignored what I was referring to, and didn’t have the inclination to look. Thanks for ending this conversation though.
U-6 captures more of the picture than U-3, period. It is the opposite of cherry-picking.
taking a closer look “at how the unemployment rate has been traditionally expressed” is the entire point of my post, as the unemployment rate “as it is traditionally expressed” overlooks people who deal with extended bouts of unemployment. if you want to continue overlooking that data, that’s on you, though i wouldn’t…
did you really miss the difference between U-3 and U-6?
>she’s a bottomless pit of insecurity who is desperate to be told she’s pretty?
>Or could be used to document people voting, and later threatening.
how about September 2016?
frankly i’d be shocked if there were more than 7 teams without a bounty program.
yo i agree with most of your takes on trump v hillary, but don’t fool yourself with regards to unemployment:
I agree with you, you understand MAD, but please for the love of God help me and all of the good English speaking people on this planet to kill ‘Irregardless,’ it’s proliferation is an embarrassment.
This is a pretty good joke but Bogut is definitely still in demand. Warriors probably wouldn’t have blown the entirety of that lead if he was still in there to control the paint.
It sounds as if you are characteristically paranoid.
you mean like by the seemingly endless suicide squad coverage on these blogs? leto was getting ripped to shreds for being weird in the blogs and definitely by the comments section.