
DS2 is a bad game, end of story. The level design was trash and convoluted as hell. All the bosses were boring and unoriginal, the narrative made 0 sense, and there were 0 iconic characters that came out of it. It was a filler game that wasn’t even made by the same FROM team that has made all their other games. The

Enjoy being alone then and being “right” because that is all you’ll have :).

I don’t want power or polularity. And pushing joysticks is not a talent.

It’s not just disagree. You are wrong.

The problem is people like you get to be that confident in your “opinion” where you immortalize a video game player meanwhile authors, teachers, people who actually contribute to keeping the world going are treated like shit. You’re just another stick in the pile of problems and its honestly sad that you get to

You probably shouldn’t be projecting yourself onto whoever is asking the question. Just because you’re not happy doesn’t mean he is too.

HAHAHAHAH nice false sense of superiority. Whatever you need to sleep at night kid.

DS2 wasnt even the actual Dark souls publisher. Generally the people who like 2 more are the people who can’t overcome the challenge of 1 and just want a game where they can max poise and face tank everything.

“I’m a feeler, not a thinker”. Yeah I can tell you’re not much of a “thinker”.......

The same point as leaving someone you’re happpy with just because you want to fuck random people. That desire to have sex with someone that you find attractive doesn’t just go away because you’re in a good relationship or because you leave your 20's. You have a seriously flawed view of relationships if you think it

LOL the idea of esports is so asinine its literally hilarious. It’s not a sport, the same way chess is not a sport. It’s a game, a highly competitive game. Its honestly hilarious just how desperately you neckbeards try to throw this label around so you can justify your love of a video game and try to make it sound

Everything you just described at 20 is still 100% doable in your 30's at least. You might want to consider there is a real person behind that question and that you shouldn’t be giving him shitty potentially life altering advice when you yourself don’t even grasp how life works.

Again you miss the ENTIRE POINT of what the good dr told him. There isn’t anything you can do in your 20's that you cant do in your 30's and 40's so what exactly is the point of saying “he’s 24, the time is now”.

Enjoy the fact that you’re some neckbeard teenager and have no actual idea how the world works. And I’ll enjoy contributing more tot he world before 6 am then you do in a year. Don’t forget to shave that neck of yours too.

Actually be definition he lost so he was in fact a loser. You seem to have a problem with facts and reality though and would much rather live in some fantasy world where Daigo has some uuseful skill or actually contributes to the world.

*Raughs* Ftfy

Who the fuck replies to their own comment....are you that lonely man?

Keep your hyperbole and tin foil hat to yourself.

Actually it came from you saying “shut your dirty mouth, respect your elders”. Over someone not knowing who a video game player is. You might want to look int he mirror and re-evaluate life if you take a video game player so seriously as to insult a complete stranger just for asking who he is. Its honestly pathetic

Because his one parry in a video game is not deserving of anything more than one victory screen. Also you do seem like someone obsessed with titles and how you label yourself MR “SJW” so enjoy your narcissism and social media obsession. Also I don’t give a fuck if you warrant a response or not. Someone in your life