But you can be mad at both.. the system AND the individual.. to imply that we shouldn’t be is a disservice.
But you can be mad at both.. the system AND the individual.. to imply that we shouldn’t be is a disservice.
That means they’re on #TeamRacist and should be treated accordingly. There are only two sides to this one.
Fuck her and the system.
Seattle has a racist cop problem for certain. There are plenty of officers who are not racist but they don’t do shit to stop the racist fuckers internally. Some do what they can to mitigate it in the field but that’s not enough. I used to regularly interact with SPD for work and there were certain cops that I dreaded…
We should, ABSOLUTELY, be mad at this bitch.
I’m from the Midwest. I’d take a New Yorker over a Chicagoan any day of the week.
I lived in Manhattan (Ft. Washington area) for over a year. Some of the warmest and kindest people I have ever met in my life lived in Manhattan...relative to the other places I have lived (Des Moines, Milwaukee, Washington D.C., Chicago, San Jose,...)
Was going to post that same sentiment.
An actual competitive bout between two people at the top of their games, not Floyd letting an undertrained MMA fighter save face for a few rounds before kicking his ass like everyone thought he would.
To the woman on the girder, I am so sorry your life has you on the edge. You are not crazy, you just need someone to help you deal with problems in your life. You are not alone.
Nothing says “pulling yourself up by your bootstraps” like criminalizing poor people for not wearing full night-time construction crew gear. Never mind that there aren’t street lights on that street (because that ain’t the dang government’s responsibility!)
So I googled the road that the boys were walking down and this is what it looks like:
This is amazing. Given that TayTay exerts maniacal control over her image and brand, how in the hell did she convince herself that this was a good idea? Good god. She should stick to what she does best: dating B-list actors who need to boost their profiles so that they can land an acting gig in the next Ron Howard…
I’m old so the twitter confuses me, but I clearly need to start paying attention to black twitter. Those burns are quality.
She did it right: keep your head until the fighting starts, and don’t react until you’re ready.
Daaamn! Who’s teaching white women to fight these days? That shit was brutal.
i had a hot take ready about how should we really applaud white folks using wokeness and dismantling of privelege as cover to beat the breaks off each other...
If you were ever to ask black women with natural hair what’s the most underrepresented texture when it comes to hair…
I’m a republican who voted for Trump, and I suppose in your eyes that makes me racist