Jo-Wilfred Tdoga
Jo-Wilfred Tdoga
Actually, the game didn’t end until the goal was scored.
“Say who again! Say who again, I dare you! I double dare you motherfucker! Say who one more goddamn time!”
I’m no doctor but I’m guessing someone would have eventually noticed he was missing fingers.
I would put HSC on my jersey.
Thank you for this antiseptically boring article, HamNO.
I would give you the benefit of the doubt that SCF just popped in your head if it hadn’t just been used in Better Call Saul this week. Cynical? Yes.
Watch at the :16 mark. Future English Premier Leaguer, there.
Their starters only played the equivalent of one quarter TOTAL and it was a sectional semifinal. Shut the fuck up with that shit.
Never. That’s all.
Burnnnnnn.........some calories, tubby.
Boooooooooooo.........but understandable.
Lighten up Ajax Francis
John Jordan, famous for such movies as Ted and Ted 2, is, it turns out, a real damn good dunker. Look at the hops on this bad boy.
One, fuck Mark Wahlberg.
2nd thing I called my wife out at Caltech while she was releasing the findings about gravitational waves found at LIGO and asked for her blessings and she was cool with it......
He’s still “a bit slow,” and has memory lapses
These kits really have Crew fans worked into a lather.