Surprised he wasn't charged with a capitol offense.
Surprised he wasn't charged with a capitol offense.
Gronk's sister is a wild one, too
Also the best Uncle Daddy goaltender of all-time.
Really? I only know Kornheiser from PTI, he and Wilbon are brutal together IMO. Does Tony do national sports on his show or is it mostly DC stuff?
Khoza's penis will never work again and he now has to use a tube to urinate, but he's just happy that the girl didn't kill him.
Yes! I was going to say that but stuck to the point w/DP and Cowherd. Because of local shows in Chicago, I don't get to hear him anymore. SVP is definitely cut from the same cloth as DP.
When asked about the crowd noise controversy, Michael Vick wryly smiled and said, "I don't have a dog in this fight."
According to Colorado police, Lance Armstrong literally hit two parked cars with his car in Aspen, and figuratively threw his girlfriend under the bus.
Patrick doing afternoon radio (he was on 12-3PM where I lived) was my last connection to ESPN except, of course, live events. He's just enjoyable to listen to without all the hyperbole. It's really a shame that Cowherd, Bayless, Smith et al represent what that network has become.
Don't squirrel from lane to lane like you are goddamn Alberto Tomba on the slalom.
Modern day "Lamb to the Slaughter" remake.
Pappadeaux's is a Cajun chain. They're not too bad, probably much better if you haven't lived in LA/MS/Gulf region for any amount of time. Different type of food, but much better than a chain like Olive Garden, Red Lobster, etc.
This is the Deadspin article version of two Irish guys sneaking into the Super Bowl.
I doubt it. It's so easy to blend in with "first aid workers" when you're wearing jerseys.
Styled by Kanye and it involved denim? SHOCKING.
Agreed. My friends always gave me shit for taking two years of typing in high school, but just an average 50-60 wpm saved me so much time in college. I mean, shit, I had beer to drink.
For some the act of note-taking might actually firm in in their memory
Of all the writers on Puck Daddy, Wysh is pretty ok. He goes off the rails every now and then but, who doesn't? With the exception of Cooper though, the rest of the PD bunch is a brutal read. Glad I haven't seen anymore Glambert articles on Deadspin.
What country are you from? Wisconsin?
Even on #tbt ?