
Someone should investigate the Packers deflated balls

I don't disagree w/your original post but when everyone was giving you shit right off the bat, first thing that came to mind

If anybody needs a day off, it's Cameron

I'm a Bears fan too. Couple thoughts which I know aren't popular as a Bears fan: One, I don't feel the same about Peppers. The Bears have been such a dumpster fire the past couple years I hold contempt for anyone that played on those teams. Even if he went to the Packers. Two, I like Rodgers and feel bad that

Or the offense that didn't get in twice from the 1. Or get the taunting penalty after returning an interception to the 5. Or fall to the ground like the game was over (even though 5 minutes were left) after intercepting a pass when another 10-15 yards were available which puts the Packers in field goal position. Or

@Bostick11 Been looking for a roommate for quite a while, seems like we might have a lot in common. Have an extra room available if you're interested

Liquid courage is most prevalent in the pacific northwest

Very passive aggressive of Jacobson to flip Taima

She'll be quarterback at Auburn in two years.

Off with her head.


Motivational speaker, eh? A Christian motivational speaker, no less.

I'm waiting for her thoughts on the upcoming child carrier blog post. Hope it doesn't go the way of the leggings. I don't know about you, but this kind of turns me on. But I have minimal self-control.

That someone, anyone, thought this "tribute" was a good idea shows how tainted the culture at Penn State remains.

I'm "marking" this one my favorite

They also forgot Jay "The SourPuss" Catler.

Barry, two nicknames in one and William "The Litterbox" Purry is ranked at 11? He's clearly an "elite" talent that should be in the top 5, maybe even 3. Clearly this is a debate for the ages.

Fucking Christians. The most exclusionary all-accepting people in society today.

Over the long term, you're best off making a couple investments.

Oregon has proved you NEED this color to be successful.