Just A Person

These aren’t children, they are adults who can use common sense. People who live in the Midwest (I’m one of them) know how to prepare for the cold and go out in it. You bundle up, get in your car go. I doubt the trek across the parking lot at the restaurant is going to kill anyone. The vast majority of people will be

who are these people?

No. They aren’t pissed because a woman was cast as a white man’s pet. They aren’t pissed because stupid White Man cast the wrong kind of Asian. They are upset because being upset is just how they spend their time. Outrage is the hobby of the bored and privileged.

BULLTSHIT reporting. They’ve been doing this for years. Net neutrality was never an issue on mobile carriers, they have been shaping traffic for a long while. It was NEVER FCC policy to enforce net neutrality for mobile/wireless data. Only wired connections like dsl/cable.

Yes, some planes (not all, and often times it is an option) can dump fuel. It is more common on larger aircraft though. And no, before anyone asks, that does not mean gallons of liquid fuel suddenly drops on the ground below. The fuel vaporizes so it is just a trail of white vapor behind the plane (not to be confused

Ash - That is called “humblebragging,” not “mansplaining.”

In most cases, the idea of cultural appropriation need to be thrown out. ESPECIALLY in the arts. It’s a waste of mental energy to try to figure out which color of skin an idea belongs to. Especially after it has been passed through so many minds and people from so many different walks of life.

The only people who care


Indian is a nationality anyway, not a race.