some obscure reference

Yep, governments interpreting the CDC guidelines of “Vaccinated people don’t need to wear masks” (which I expect is purely a medical analysis) as an actual recommendation to stop requiring them to do so was sheer idiocy because, as you point out, it’s the only way to keep unvaccinated people wearing the masks.

Things I’ve heard from the anti-vaxxers:

I’m not a big facebook person, but I share every article I can find about young people who have died/gotten seriously ill with COVID I come across.

Does anyone ever get summertime sadness? Like everyone I know loves the hot weather and being outside....but I’d rather stay in (even pre-COVID).

Winston Marshall is quitting Mumford & Sons to follow his passion, talking about right-wing conspiracy theories.

Or both.

Conservatives: If workers want better jobs, they should just go get them.

Until companies and managers start protecting their employees, and ditch the inaccurate and outdated model of “The customer is always right,” this is just the beginning. The years I spent working retail included being screamed at almost daily by people because Oprah’s latest promoted book had sold out within five

Charles has a good relationship with his grandmother and loved his mother.
He does not have a good relationship with his Father and Phillip isn’t someone you’d want to name your kid after.
I was going to name my daughter after both our grandfathers if she had been a boy. Our grandmothers and mothers had terrible names

My rules for naming humans:

I completely agree that no matter what they went with they would have caught criticism.

I’m glad that has worked out for you and that your leap of faith gave you confidence, AND your current employer sees that you are great!

Not job-related, but I had a “friend” who was similarly stressing me out. I started to realize how abusive he was, and how much he would take advantage of my generosity, etc. It got to the point where whenever my phone would notify me of a text message, I had a startle response and felt stressed out, because I was

Someone out there might need to hear this, so I’ll share!

Rand Should’ve Known Better than to pick a fight with someone who was actually popular back in his day. As Rand knows, words Don’t Mean Nothing when they’re said via Twitter. However, Richard Marx is a stand up guy and I’m Right Here Waiting for him to arrange this meet up!

So somehow these girls made it all the way through the school day on yearbook photo day without being asked to change their clothes, and nobody noticed anything “inappropriate” until they started putting the actual yearbook together maybe several months later? Sounds totally legit and normal.

The whole system is irredeemably corrupt.

If they have a shade that is close enough to your natural skin tone you can probably be OK without full foundation or maybe just a little translucent powder to help blend.

IT ME. I had no idea how bad my eye sockets were until ZOOM. 
OK—can I use the concealer just under my eyes or will I have to go to full-face foundation? I really don’t want to do that (I have no idea the last time I used a foundation that wasn’t a mineral powder). 

But, the real question is if Israel reacted with restraint would that help keep Netanyahu in power after he was unable to form a government — war keeps right wing strong men in power. Especially when the one party that would put the opposition in power is an Arab party that has become persona non grata after this new