
That doesn't seem to jive.

Its because everyone calls everyone judgmental, saying that bad culture isn't hurting anyone. We'll find out if that's true I suppose.

Rape doesn't exist! No one talk about rape! Lifetime Network, you're on notice!

Agreed. By making Lara into a doll to protect instead of a heroic person to be, he does a disservice to the power of games to understand someone's perspective.

What terrible wording. Maybe they are sexist.


It's not the quality of the game, it's the underhanded-manipulativeness of the business strategy.

Stop posting such rational articles, you woman! My male superiority complex can't handle it! You must be ugly, yeah, that's it! You can't be right if you're ugly! Penis wins again!!

Pokemon were my friends, numbers are to be ignored.

It's apparently Unreal's signature to make anything metal look exactly like it's made of plastic. Come on guys, get it together.

Old man cocks in all media! No one offended!

"Sorry we got so much attention for our trailer... we never wanted any sort of controversy to attract people to our game"


So you're fine with Sperm Donor being a legitimate career?

I was providing a perfectly valid, if absurd reflection of your weird argument, demanding I not judge people's careers. Sometimes I like a little humor in my argument, sorry. But it stands, people should not A. pay people to be party balloons B. be content as a person achieving the dream of a professional party

Shoot for the stars.

I'm dead serious, it's a legitimate career, I'm basically a doctor.

Maybe they could work for a different company, where they could be listened to instead of just stared at?

I am a professional sperm donor. I come from a long line of masturbaters. My son will learn no skills but masturbation to carry on our proud legacy. It's not a lot of money, but we work hard, long hours and manage a hot sticky living.