
Nothing more important on the battlefield than showing people you are interested in sex.

Believe it or not I'm not a moron. Up there you were telling someone not to be a jerk.

The video was removed, look for inside the actors studio with Dave Chapelle.

I'd pay the man $5 to stop being so angry and hateful all the time.

I agree with you 500%. Funny guy sometimes, but a hateful horrible man.

Dave in his own words in 2005, not some Viacom jerkoff.

Now playing

I've never hated any character so essential to the plot.

And my point is thought experiments are useless because its impossible to have that kind of certainty, and dangerous for someone who is actually in such a situation to assume, Oh! This is like that thought experiment, I know what to do!"

There's always been a severe flaw in this thought experiment, all the arguing is just used to get people interested in Ethics 101 instead of texting. Hopefully it teaches them that all actions, even inaction, have serious consequences though.

I'm just pissed that the scene was a video and not gameplay. Come on video games, man up.

Also wait, why are we arguing. I was arguing with the guy who argued against you.


Trolls leave an argument after starting one, not people who confront you with valid arguements. The article is about why games are pornographic rather than actually interesting.

Talking like that, you may have more in common with the weak-minded tool who thinks pretty things are nice to look at thank you think. Thought, maybe you're perfect and I just don't know the moral and deep personal reasons you love pornography.

I'm just the kind of guy who likes to ignore reality and go to a planet where the girls don't talk, are generally half naked, and I can murder EVERYONE. And I'm proud of it. What's so bad about that?

Why make characters interesting, deep, and complex when you can show their bits?

How dare people start respecting people.

It's not like what I do and enjoy affects how people treat me and how I look at women. Why, that'd be impossible.

Sex sells. Robbing profits. Stabbing wins arguments.

Thanks for proving your point but providing nothing to continue a social conversation.