
This show is losing me...

I'm Neil Gaiman and I write quirky women!

Yeah, the point is why are people deriving their morality from wild animals?, who have been known to eat their mates or their children, have barbed dicks... etc.

Time travel is impossible. This however is all too real.

"She doesn't take no for an answer, you have to save her now"

So sick of the same fantasy style every single game.

It seems the song was sung specifically for the movie. He must be one hell of a fan.

What on earth could they add? The game is airtight. Unless they have a new engine...?

"He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name." Revelation 13:16-17

Maybe it's just me, but saying Isaac Cox fast makes me giggle.

Fine. Van Gogh. The point is freedom is extremely important to the creative process.

Why can't both of those statements be true? It's an easy thing to oversimply. The moon is a rock, who cares. Humans are an evolution of the paleolithic hit chimps, whatever.

So... it's Limbo with colors and math?

*Hums Chariots of Fire*

Except for the part where if you don't play your game for 2 years you lose it...

A Throne of Games?


Look out guys, that's three million people out there to respond to every "I don't get what the big deal is" post.

It can be summarized poorly and Let's Played inadequately, which is what makes it so good. The experience of interactivity.

The devil is in the details with science, and breaking discoveries on other planets. Jumping to conclusions is frowned upon. The discovery of permafrost is different from the discovery of ice is different from the discovery of condensation is different from the discovery of flowing water, which is extremely saline and