
Majora's Mask.

... Oh good?

It's just a bounty. Fame and riches are soon to follow.

I swear he was native American... or was that just a symbolism thing.

The show makes me sad because the characters don't stay in character anymore if the writers have some clever joke. Also repeating in-jokes, like waving your arms around saying "its that one guy, from that one episode! funny!"

Yeah, you guys need to take a week off and learn how to play Mario and Zelda...


Level Up! Morality +2! Dexterity +1! Actual Self Discipline -40!

Boycott. What a horrible, horrible idea.

That was the most adorable air raid ever.

I love that joke.

Yes please.

Yeah. Now I don't want to see this movie at all.

Play it to the end, it's worth it for sure.

No, it's incredible.

The first screen is what we all wanted Pokemon to be, having your favorite Pokemon follow you around in a dark cave. The closet we have so far is Minecraft wolves.

This is awesome.

Let's not forget though, it's still the 25th anniversary, and Miyamoto is working on something for all of us. He's currently "working on a plan that will allow all Zelda lovers to celebrate together."

Pretty sure that'd be illegal at that age.