
Oh my, its so true.

See, I'm confused, because the only reason I want a tablet is because of Photoshop. Is it so weird of an expectation that something that looks like a pad of paper and has touch controls let me draw and write at leisure?

As funny as I'm sure this is in the planning stage, I'd rather these guys just leave people alone.

Shame is doesn't work.

They all look bored.

Concept art? Uh, couldn't they just use the legendary class of the comics?

*thumbs up*

I wonder how you play the ocarina...?

Digital morality is binary. You either did something, or you didn't. Imagine all the cases of pirates, oh I've been framed!

Yeah, I agree that he failed. But this post is not about Heavy Rain, like, at all. It's about Cage inspiring game devs. I respect someone who tries something strange in a new medium way, way more than someone who calls it worthless.

And you'll notice I certainly disagree, and your response was "I don't like it".

At a point you really have to compromise. Say you want to write a video game character who isn't a homicidal maniac or isn't constantly in a war (I know, just stay with me here), you need to find a way to keep the players attention beyond just headshots. Maybe, just maybe gamers care about something deeper than war

He has said nothing about what all games should be. Just some, please, pretty please just some.

Ah, the age old "You failed and we hate you for trying something new" theory. A fine way to help a new industry grow.

If he stopped working on it now, it'd be finished. And still amazing.

Keep on eye on those guys, they've said they have more Octodad to come!

I thought that at first too, but Link is reflecting his energy attack, so he may just be in front of the painting in the air. It's a matter of depth perception!

Guess it's up to the indies then. Support ethical game design!

Historical games would be absolutely amazing, but they have this little problem... free will. Unless the game is totally scripted (like a JRPG or a movie) you'd end up with something like Civ, where the Slavs go on to rule the western world. Which is a cool concept I suppose, but does little to help you learn and

No this is really good news. Since the game takes place within her mind, having the whole thing been hate and knives would make for a really grating and dull experience. You have to balance these things, show moments of joy to take them away.