@mrClint: :D
@mrClint: :D
@two-oh-sickness: Now there's an interesting point. Besides getting you a new and nifty perspective, this rig may just cancel out depth-perception.
@casmith07: Basically amazing and amazing, that's coming from someone who plays it all the time.
@fluffywarthog1029: Hm, a human volunteer or an consenting chimp. Hm.
I really, really need to find a high resolution image of that cosmic KISS crotch.
@Excited_Utterance: heh, false.
Why shouldn't the good rejoice while evil is punished?
@affable.gentleman: Yes, because Nietzsche should be our ethical paragon...
@NinjaMarion: Fine. They are openly trying to kill people and have the world run by animals.
@NinjaMarion: That is all true (except for the point about PETA coming after them first [if you read the article]). However my point about how this looks and what the consequences are still stands.
@NinjaMarion: The point overall is, when the general public sees a game that is called Super Meat Boy, and openly mocks PETA, they are bound to turn off some vegetarians.
@linkin702: Blah blah blah stop killing things.
"Nothing's a complete load! Not if you can imagine it. That's what being a scientist is all about."
@Cloral: Except for you know, the slick meat/blood trail, and the Super MEAT Boy.
@SonicThreat: Last man standing. Rape and kill.
Blatant antagonism.
I am in the future.
@WestwoodDenizen: Why can't it be both?