Finally, a game to settle the score against those damn Juggalos.
Finally, a game to settle the score against those damn Juggalos.
@Starlionblue: @Dyn: Congratulations on being a horrible person in the face of solid evidence.
Centipede as well, on my great uncles new PC.
@c4pt_chunk: Spoilers MAN
Thank you thank you thank you!
It seemed to create a precedent of shallow film and a strong "everything's all right" ending.
No way man, I trust my feelings.
@Squalor: You are not helping the matter!
@John-Hamptonshire: Pan's Labyrinth.
Yes! Man I am so glad I don't have to save the world. I just want to get some candy and protect my neighborhood.
People are discussing a lot of different points.
@Jukebox hates exclusive content.: "TERRORISTS WIN"
The Legend of Zedomax
@Cheese Addict: 85% is kind of a big deal. They're giving those bastards a chance to redeem themselves sort of, by letting them pay the 5 bucks for the (amazing) soundtrack and the game.
@xCoolJackx: I'd read that part about gamer literacy again.
@Orionsaint: It was rhetorical. This is the question the general public has been asking indie designers for years, hopefully now people can get it.
@GusF: An amazing animation that everyone here should see.
@nicktennear: Used to?
@amygdala: It wasn't.
@Paradox me: We already have more than 20 years of fun games, and I doubt people will ever stop making them.