
Yay, now I can ignore both of them at the same time!

It's still really early for 90s nostalgia...

You suddenly realize how dumb it is that everyone wears blue jeans.

I can wait to experience what he's going through, passing into a new tech era where your imagination is surpassed. Must be amazing and terrifying.

It always strikes me as hilarious that Ben Franklin invented the RPG.

@tetracycloide: I did my best not to call names. I don't try to define people like that—enjoying quality fantasy doesn't make you less of a good person any more than having a drink makes you an alcoholic. Just that in both cases escapism is cowardice.

Wow, I disagree with a lot of the points here, and in no way feel safe to discuss them being in such a minority position.

I got maybe half of the jokes. Nerd shame feels a bit like pride?

Isn't everything a mutant...? We might as well make better ones.

That was a pretty brave move, good to hear people still think of the classics as important.

I'm not a huge fan of Predator, but I LOVED Kontroll, so I have high hopes for this one.

@Quilt: The drops have become more common, which is actually a detriment as I've spent way more time getting good with the basic weapons. It's fun any way you play, really.

It seems no matter how much information people get about these animals, they still will kill them because they can.

War allows for heroes to be born.

@nipsen: Then it's a shame the gameplay doesn't reflect that. If you as both the player and the character know what you're doing is wrong, shouldn't there be another option than to continue killing?

It's funny because it's sad because it's true.

Sounds like somebody's moving some sandlewood!

So not next year? So, this year?