Every couple months or so, a variation of his argument appears here and it’s becoming tiring.
It doesn’t take a crystal ball to see where things go from here — just a passing look at what happened a decade ago.
How is Elon being rich killing us? They have been printing money like crazy for the past year. Its not a limited resource and not backed by any physical assets. Banks don’t even have to have money on hand to lend it. Its only a number now. What is Elon denying you that makes you think its killing us.
It’s about a... wait for it... car.
To funny.
Oh yes, because socialist countries have made such EXCELLENT RVs, caravans and motorhomes?? A single example please!
Good for him. I’m sick of municipalities telling us serfs to “just be patient” while watching every one of them roll out the red carpet for celebrity super spreader events.
The dealers can charge whatever they please for the cars; buyers are free to walk away from the deal. There’s nothing corrupt or even remotely illegal about it.
No one is forcing these people to buy a Bronco. If you want it, pay the fee. If you don’t, don’t. If someone else will pay it and you won’t, you lose. That’s part of capitalism.
Nice white-knighting there. I know this may seem hard for you all to understand in this echo chamber you have set up for yourselves- I love what you’ve done with the walls btw-but this cuts both ways. There are many relationships where the men do more than the women. Hell there are even stay at home moms that are…
If only 73 drivers quit and they are 500 drivers short, then the shortage isn’t really about the mandate, is it?
I’m just hoping the hybrid doesn’t become Ford’s version of the $35k Model 3, where it technically exists but you have to call some random guy, whisper a secret passcode, and summon Cthulu using Middle English to actually get hold of one.
If we’re being honest, it kinda worked for Joy. She lied, got investigations started and never admitted her guilt. And what were the consequences? She keeps getting TV shows.
I can’t believe that bullying, intimidation, shaming, threatening, humiliating, and calling unvaccinated people murderers isn’t making them want the vaccine more.
Here are the songs in case you can’t remember what they sounded like:
Called them and said I had literally borrowed the balance from a family member to pay them that weekend and check was in hand, could I pay up via wire transfer?