
There’s a difference between someone saying something ignorant on accident and being willing to learn, and someone using a talking point from the alt-right to muddle the conversation so they can be racist in peace. Given JonTron’s other musings, I don’t blame anyone for taking him at his word that he’s a racist. And

This is the rationalization of someone who’s a racist but doesn’t want to seem one. Anyone claiming “only white people” this or “why can’t white people” that forgets that somewhere in their race-baiting victimhood is history staring at them in the face. The reason white people can’t say or do some things without

That is a Psyduck drowning in cream

Roaches have wings. Asian roaches will fly at you, they don’t care. I’m afraid of roaches. I haven’t gone back to Asia

Hey, you got the Axent Wear Cat Ear Headphones too!