
Nailed it. How the GOP even survived after Falwell, given their unimpeachable backing of him, their praise and devotion to that charlatan is a mystery for the ages. What it taught me is that Republicans are the lowest common denominator and just about the dumbest fucking humans on Earth.

I twice did this for Gov. Abbott of Texas, I hope he appreciated it!

“The grift for the bulk of the party has always been to keep abortion around to use as an issue to keep their core voters coming back to the polls year after year”.

The point isn’t to succeed, it’s to fail and say “We tried to protect the children but the evil liberals are so determined to kill them all, oh if only we had more money and could keep being reelected.”

He's worse than Abbott, and Abbott is a bag of dicks.

Hi fellow Texan. I moved to a completely different continent for the reasons mentioned above. I’m sure you made a very smart decision and I wholeheartedly support it. Maybe us exiled Texans can start forming support groups abroad?

Ugh Dan Patrick is the WORST.

I’d definitely say that counts! Also yikes, Texas!!! :( I live in Washington state, so I’m basically in Canada already.

Hi Jez friends! Happy SNS! This is your Brag Thread. Any grand accomplishments, big or small, you want to brag about but haven’t yet found an acceptable outlet in which to do so? My brag: I posted a Facebook status this week basically stating that supporting Trump for president is condoning the violence that his

Now playing

I’m going to have disagree about Hiddleston. He gives no fucks. He just likes to dance.

do you ever just want to put your head inside a paper bag and SCREAM FOR 6 HOURS?

My eyes are playing tricks on me today, this is the second time I’ve misread a post. I saw that as “a Diane Krueger cognitive bias” and was like “hells yes I’m biased for Diane Krueger, have you seen her?”

How am I not in a position to speak to legal immigration, when I AM a legal immigrant? What I’m saying is that opportunities existed for me that don’t exist for people who need them far more than I do, and that’s bullshit.

“He stresses that his family members were legal immigrants.”

this whole thing makes me sick to my stomach

Imagine living in Texas.... Everyone here is worried about their baby girls at Target but let them hangout alone with priests during the day at Catholic school and see no problem. Idiots.

There is speculation that the Texas lege will be looking at some bathroom laws next year (our lege only meets for 6 months every other year). We’re an open carry state now. Who knows what kind of fuckery might happen!

No, this is the correct response...

Why in the world do they suddenly care about women being assaulted. No one seemed to care when it was a drunk guy trying to grope me in the middle of the street or on the subway or at a concert.

OH WAIT, ITS not about that is it

So glad we keep finding ways to be an openly bigoted country. Was worried that after nationally recognized same-sex marriage we were going soft there for a second