
Hmm, I was skeptical about CoD 5 on its ow, but this piques my interest....

Hmm, I preordered it online, but no phone call. I preordered it before the 17th, so I'm in the first batch... Should I just head to Gamestop tomorrow just to be safe?

So a legendary sword that can only be wielded by one organism that it chooses, decides to choose an anthropomorphic hedgehog? Seriously?

Can the dirt be mixed with glue or something to make it more sturdy?

Alrighty, I emailed them once on my main email and once o my throwaway email, both with the wrong subject, so I resent with the right subject. And the awaiting game begins.....

Excuse my lack of beta knowledge, but what about those who got a beta key from Qore?

So are there rumors that Braid for PSN is on the way? Because I don't own a 360 or a PC, having this on PSN would be fantastic. =D

I respect their decision, but reading through the article, All I really pulled from it was, "It has a nice menu screen that you can switch between modes with, It has great online (Which I do agree with BTW), and that people under appreciate its innovation. Not that strong of an argument if you ask me.

I*, Looks*. Gotta spellcheck more >.<

Man, i just tried it, and apparantly "OLD SNAKE"'s friend list is full. Looms like he did accept some friends =P

I'm gonna be getting the bundle, I've been needing a headset for my PS3.

Startled protagonist is startled.

Though the quantity of eggs that I consume hasn't changed, I do tend to make them sunny-side up, when I used to usually make scrambled. And I get more urges to eat ramen after how prominently it's featured in The World Ends With You. Looks like video games do have some level of persuasion.

Honestly, I"m a bit glad. I own a PS3, and got the orange Box for it. I blindly looked over the fact that Valve had outsourced it to EA. The load times were often ridiculously long for this game generation, and there was lag aplenty in TF2. If Valve was going to release Still Alive for the PS3, they'd probably pull

- Honestly, it looks like they took Sony's XMB, turned it sideways, and put pictures instead of icons.

This kinda looks like a game entirely made up of quick-time sequences, and that doesn't bode too well...