
Applying sunscreen every day, all year long, does not sound very healthy: clogged pores, (possible) parabens, (possible) scents, profuse sweating (?).

And most of all: there is something to be said for not allowing your skin to defend itself just a little bit. No research about it that I can find, but I can’t help but

This is good earther, Yessenia.

*2018 approved

The new Michigan Avenue bridge is really long.

I suppose I should clarify:

None are safe from the wrath of Meh.

I would definitely be one of the people who fails because I commonly don’t use soap. Some of those soaps stink to high heaven and I can’t get the smell off my hands for hours. Multiple rinses doesn’t do it either. It’s the absolute worst when I’m about to eat too. Every bite of food smells like soap and it completely r

I don’t get sick, so meh, whatever.

Being an omniscient polymath, I know everything and nothing. Or I’ve spent decades working up the supply chain in pretty much all economic sectors as the cleaner upperer of its’ waste. This would be environmental policy, science and engineering for pollution control of waste and remediation and restoration of land,

Dense, what do you do for a living? Because you consistently put out excellent, well researched and detailed comments. I’m assuming you’re either an extremely underemployed polymath, or a standard genius/workaholic that decided to educate numskull gray’s like me instead of exploiting our collective idiocy for

A port machine married to your tv is redundant. A port machine you can use on the toilet...well that’s just beautiful.

The WiiU was a port machine, and that’s one of the primary things everyone hated about it.

Not a criticism, just an observation...

The WiiU was a port machine, and that’s one of the primary things everyone hated about it.

The Switch is a port machine, and not only is no one complaining, everyone seems to love it.

This is a big reason I haven’t bought yet. I can’t shake the fear of putting everything I have into a house just to have to roof collapse off or something like that. (Although given my luck with neighbors, what would actually happen is a crew of pimping, drug dealing squatters would take over the house next door and

This is too true. I spent $350 this weekend on new mulch and getting the driveway resealed. I spent most of my day off shoveling mulch and prepping the driveway. At the end of it, the house looked no different and it added no value. This, and all the stuff you mentioned, is just to keep the house functioning like a

The subject of taxes cannot be stressed enough. A monthly mortgage on a $250k house can change by nearly $1000 per month in New Jersey vs. New Mexico. 

Parents on one flight, kids on the other?

So get all that shit off the back of your Audi A6. Jeez, man.

Look at Richy Rich over here with his fine dining...too good for the cockroach pate like the rest of us?