
You know the simple response to all of those that are wrong(like weapons)?

My favorite new DK ability is Dark Transformation. Turns a normal unassuming ghoul into a giant blight beast with upgraded abilities.

20 is this weeks winner for me. RIP Billy Mays.

@akumaserge: If they are twelve then yes. On Estate, my friend was sniping from the house and they just kept running up the road easily giving him a nuke.

Hope they don't find out that they blew up an armored truck earlier today.

Only people that should receive permission to cut are the omeganauts since they miss portions of the expo during the Omegathon.

@trojan675: I think those are bullets from the helicopter trying to shoot him.

@Alexander-the-Supernaut: In WaW there was a perk, don't recall the name, that let you see where artillery was placed and where dogs were on the map.

@BadassSailor: Yes because working in a factory is similar to fighting in a war.

Greathouse? Thought I saw a QB for the cougars with that name in the demo.

My fingers hurt just watching that.

I might have to switch to alliance now.

@antpwny: I'm 18 in 5 months and I have played, and still play, these.

Yeah, that is going to be Seattle when the Cascadia subduction zone goes.

@Miss Beyond: Swerve hard right before it hits you.