
Nothing too bad - I’m new to this - but this was the moment of victory over my three hour oil change.

with matching throw pillows!

This is a reasonable position to have. Unfortunately the world is full of unreasonable people, and if god forbid something were to happen - like an abduction/car jacking - those unreasonable people will sit on juries and be glad to send you away for several years.

One way to protect yourself is to Google and/or Craigslist search the phone number listed in car ads.

this is where S2000 oil caps go to haunt your engine bay forever

Because Volkswagen.



mmmmmmm space peanuts

It's a Jeep thing. You wouldn't understand.

A blonde walks into a bank in New York City and asks for the loan officer. She says she's going to Europe on business for two weeks and needs to borrow $5,000. The bank officer says the bank will need some kind of security for the loan, so the blonde hands over the keys to a new Rolls Royce. The car is parked on the

People who buy a convertible and then never put the top down.

Honda & Acura seem to have lost their way in the past ten years – sure, they made plenty of uninteresting normal cars but they also had the NSX, RSX, S2000, and the Civic Si. Of course, "lost their way" is still a highly profitable enterprise that makes a lot of cars that people enjoy.

Story time. 21 year old me was moving from Houston back to Austin with one bedroom worth of stuff, so I planned on getting the smallest U-Haul truck, a 10 footer. Well, U-Haul needed a 26' truck back in Austin, and they offered it to me with free gas as an incentive. I took the deal, even though I had never driven

Aren't you forgetting the down payment? I just checked Nissan's site, its showing $199/month for 36 months, (not including TTL of course), plus a $2200 down payment.

Subaru owners, the ultimate geeks of the car world.