
When someone did this for a asap rocky concert the person was fired from his job, the city issued an apology, and there was a week of protest....

You have more an issue with a certain tribe of israel my friend. Change will come once its profitable

Workd doesnt revolve around her and sometimes idiots are idiots. Stop whiteknighting

streaming isnt work ftfy. tell them to start an onlyfams or something lol

So he’s canceled but Biden gets a pass?

sounds like another case of the police and civilians both being utter retards

Ministry of Truth in full effect. Rewriting history is awesome!

Yea that's not why they're eating it poorly. Stop believing in boogeymen

Thats like saying not supporting g Make America Great Again means you're a morally devoid person. Grow up and stop being an unwitting pawn to corporate shilling.

I obey the law so I think I’m good

“Let him run away" soon it will be like this and you'll be asking why rome is burning...

You cant give a duo suspect a ride home. This isn’t the fifties you do that and you’re liable for whatever happens. Blame our litigious system

There’s footage of him literally taking it running and aiming it at officers. What are you om about?

They didnt change it to be more inclusive. They changed it because a vocal minority would give it a whiff of bad press and effect sales. At the end of the day even your percieved notion of inclusiveness is just a figure lol

Yeach pretty much this. People were offended by Schindlers List when that came out but they didnt scrap it for reboots. Protect artistic integrity and vision instead of being onsome fascist conformity patrol

Someone ask him the hard hitting question like when is he bringing back Class of 3000

yea now go tell that to those out in the streets and watch them label you a fascist and a bigot because you have to hate all cops

Well its relevant when the family wants to martyr him. I mean where were they when he really needed help?

Nice to know you're hanging up over board game companies social stance.....and who says capitalistic consumerism isn't great lol

the plants vs zombie game has online which is dead. if the game is like 2 bucks buy it if not hard pass