

It’s bioware what did you expect?

Loading times were atrocious and the whole warp to players furthest in on in a mission was a terrible idea.

Another open world survival crafting game, oh boy. 

Because they’re not white mostly mediterranean and probably greek.

What do we owe dreamers? That’s a rhetorical question son.

Just like when I read about that girl in a coma getting pregnant. Didn’t even need to see the picture I knew it was a black guy.

Nope, but I’m sure many people here in the echo chamber will

Well spoken and the left has no clue what to say other than try to slander again. It’s hilarious

You people really have no clue as to the truth and only form your opinion to reality. It’s both hilarious and scary at the same time, then again the revolution will not be televised so you won’t be able to put a liberal spin on it.

I just see people drumming up stupid ideas like right wing smile squads

Of course they need to believe it or else the dreamland curtain comes down and they see things for how it really is.

And that ham beast wants to have a political opinion. What a maroon.

Everything apparently

What a great anti semitic article. Reported to the JDL

Love how left spouts personal freedom, but are corporate pigs at the trough eating the feel good they shovel out.

Streamers and those who watch them should be thrown out a helicopter

toxicity is the equivalent of fake news. grow up

No lie, looks like she had it coming. I’d like to know where the kids parents were at in all of this. 

steamers and this generation need to be thrown off a helicopter