
Libs are just afraid of a return to normalcy. 

Another sexist article from gawker

It’s a glorified EVE clone instead of a ship you have a thicc waifu.

Video evidence of a man putting his hands on a woman and the left get behind the attacker. The hypocrisy is so good I can it eat with a fork.

“gerrymandering” I feel like a lot of people using this term and have no clue what it actually means. 

He put his hands on a woman, but people here are supporting that? It’s not one way everyone is held accountable to your standards...

The beta is the final product why do people keep getting this wrong. 

lol that totally doesn’t sound like something she scripted up

Echo chamber gets louder I guess

“I’m sick of wading through different opinions to find an opinion that I agree with”

so they’re not kangz?

Libs hate crime stat facts so it goes both ways.

Get gen-z out voting and blue states will turn red.

Guess antifa destroying city streets doesn’t count?

Give it to obsidian

Orange Man Bad

Good on Brazil. Showing the the vocal minority left have no clue what reality they live in.

Yea they started a path to better the country

Yea he’s not white you racist pig