Mad echo chamber in here
Mad echo chamber in here
Both parties aren’t that great....
Doesn’t remember all the details just what was prepared for her....
Get your blankets ready for a tall tale
Between the men coming forward and the polygraph debacle put a fork in her she’s done.
Not enough
That’s even if she does testify
Lefties are corporate shills what else is new?
Just because there is less representation doesn’t mean there should be a mass movement to do so. There is an underrepresentation of hispanics in anime. Do i give a shit or think there should be? Not really. Catering to a vocal minority just makes things worse for the majority that enjoy something.
Steam mods berated and then proceeded to ban players from the forums citing “user terms” when even steam said that was stretching it.
Are you going to have a real conversation or just spout buzzwords?
Good on ya mate. get ready for the mental gymnastics of replies.
Company goes for full diversity and gender quotas then goes under. Really makes you think...
No word on the african american female who shot up a rite aid and killed a few people? No snarky take on that incident?
If you vape the only FDA approved flavor is menthol. ANything else I wouldn’t go with and as far as health risks we won’t really know until 20-30 years from now.
How was she acting before the recording? Gawker wouldn’t just report on one side of the story with no clarification would they?
Queue the try hard nu-nerds scrambling to get one just like they did with the snes.
gawker doesn’t allow a dissenting opinion because the skin ratio of the average user here is tissue thin.
Trans children don’t existed, just mentally impaired parents