typical. at no point was race said and you’re the first to bring it up.....
typical. at no point was race said and you’re the first to bring it up.....
6 hours....nah
Where were you people 15 years ago. Oh right gaming was hip but now that it’s mainstream it has to conform to snowflake standards. It’s tiring
If blackness is a construct why are people pissing and moaning about their lives mattering?
I remember when gamers weren’t polluted by try hard nerds who need to make an issue out of everything.
You imply that I voted for him......figures. All talk and no facts
It’s typical liberal hypocrisy
Scam they can sell or turn over your data at anytime to any agency, company, or gov. Do your homework before you post an article....
Scam they can sell or turn over your data at anytime to any agency, company, or gov. Do your homework before you…
You guys really push soylent. Have no clue why, it’s not beneficial at all and no guy should be drinking it.
You guys really push soylent. Have no clue why, it’s not beneficial at all and no guy should be drinking it.
The conservative boogie man at it again. Man top notch writing there sarcmark
So either you like to be objectified or not...make up your damn mind
Dead game
Overwatch really does have a terrible community. I miss the old UT and tf2 days were people could have fun and not worry about others crying foul.
Don’t drink milk there are better sources of calcium and protein. If you’re a fella definetly don’t drink any soy based product on a regular basis.
Race is suspiciously omitted from the article. How strange.....
Soiboi in full effect....
Yea maybe they’ll learn not to play at a social base that’s a vocal minority this time and make an actual good game.
I like how things not understood or if the joke goes over their head is immediately labeled racist. Almost as bad as the religious nuts.
Amount of salt in these comments are great
What about those working in job with a pension system? Should an IRA be started before or after loan debt is paid off?