Solid Snake

Exactly what I said, Gamora isn’t officially dead either. Part 3 of Guardians is coming out. She’s an integral part of it. The Guardians of the Galaxy gang won’t work without her. She’s fine, Spidey is fine, Black Panther is fine. Marvel letting us know about future movies kills any emotion I could have had for these

Seeing as those local pizza places are usually 3x as expensive for the same size pizza, Costco quality for the price is unbeat. Not the best pizza but the best price to quality to size ratio.

No please do not tell people it’s 1080p60 because it’s not. You’re lucky to get it out of the 40's and it’s unstable framerate as it is. A slightly higher unstable framerate is worse than a locked 30. No one on a PS4 Pro should be using the higher framerate option.

I think this is great but my issue with it is that Nintendo dedicated resources to this than coming out with say game save backups or their internet or VC. Come on Nintendo, still no game save backups is getting ridiculous.

It’s sad that the most important people at a restaurant are the ones that get paid for the least. I’ve worked in restaurants when I was younger and the people in the back are the ones that should be be getting majority of their the tips, not the person dropping off your food. Of course unless you are lucky enough to

I laugh at people that have grown up in the Bay Area and complain about the very good public transportation available. I’m from the LA area and moved to the Bay Area over a year ago and marvel at what decent public transportation actually is. You can live in almost any part of the Bay Area, read, I said almost, and

Because you all stopped buying them. Car manufacturers make whatever sells. SUV’s, trucks, crossovers are what sells so that’s what they are making. Manual transmissions just don’t sell enough unless it’s a specialty car.

I almost never play my Switch portable, it’s practically always docked for me.

Maybe that region has less things to do than the John side. I was planning on leaving that region last just because I wanted the hired guns from the other two areas first.

Everything you’ve said about this game has made me want to play it so I’m glad we finally have a release on console for it. Can’t wait to play it.

Really? I went west with John Seed and felt I was filling up the resistance meter too fast, too easily. I didn’t want it to fill too fast. I finished that area story wise but still have so much to do there.

And the music rivals the best music from any game. I remember playing this when I was 10. Me and my brothers got together money to buy this since it was such a huge cart memory wise which made it expensive.

This thing literally happened to be ten minutes ago. I shot her too getting mad at her.

I bought a Neon SRT-4 in 2005. Six months later I removed the wing. Big wings like that on street cars are ugly and bring unwanted attention, especially from the police/other drivers. Almost every street car, ALMOST every street car, looks better without a huge ridiculous wing out back.

I really enjoyed the first State of Decay as well. I sold my Xbox a year and a half ago but I really want one just for State of Decay 2.

It’s because we can finally import them in the US. 25yr

Would you want a limit on your child’s life?

If you’re around the LA area, in Koreatown is Guelaguetza restaurant that serves Oaxacan food. You basically have to make reservations unless you don’t mind waiting hours. Definitely a place to visit if you’re never been.

You obviously never played them on release. HL 1 and 2 blew everyone away and I still get sour on any mention if Half Life anything.

I was thinking this exact thing while reading the article, adding pepper flakes. I always carry hot sauce and pepper flakes in my lunchbox if something needs spicing up.