And... I get the concerns, but when it comes to music, I find it hard to exclude Ale Sanz and Rosalía from ... ‘Latin’ music as an umbrella. There’s a lot of crossover between Spain and Latin America in musical terms.
And... I get the concerns, but when it comes to music, I find it hard to exclude Ale Sanz and Rosalía from ... ‘Latin’ music as an umbrella. There’s a lot of crossover between Spain and Latin America in musical terms.
As a citizen of... not the USA, yes, it’s incredibly annoying when they’re talking about, for example, a Japanese company that sells worldwide.
Criticism is good and fine, but Zack’s criticism isn’t made in good faith. Case in point: the first two paragraphs completely ignore that Discovery explained why they know about the Trill last episode. And then, the whole AND NOW EVERYBODY IS FINE! sorta ignores the fact that Saru and Culber literally say they’re not…
That’s not it. She’d given them up for dead. She grieved them and now they’re alive and they don’t know what she’s gone through and how she’s changed.
You know, I’m kinda charmed by this take. Oh, yes, that underdog, the RAE.
Not lumped into - it’s because ‘Latin’ = Romance languages. It’s why Haiti and the French Guyane also sorta hang out in Latin America, depending on what you’re talking about.
Well, to be honest, a lot of Latin Americans don’t even like ‘Latino’ as a term and prefer it to only be used to refer to the Latin communities in the US. The problem is the idea that this debate is not just a very small part of the one currently raging in two continents. Spanish and how it handles gender is not a…
I’m Argentinian. I know all of this. And by now, here, if you asked random people in the street, you actually have a big chance of people saying ‘yes, it’s a problem, we need to work on it’.
Darling, I’m Latina too.
And like always, they’re going to go on and on about how it’s a whiiiite liberal invention.
The idea of using -x or -e as a wildcard to be more inclusive of non-binary gender identities began in Latin America, not among US white liberals. It’s become common enough that several universitiest allow its use in academic works and at least one government advocates for that and other forms of inclusive language.
I like Wuthering Heights, but Cathy absolutely does not reject Heathliff’s assholishness. Cathy II does let go of romantic ideals and eventually forms a healthy romantic relationship, but Cathy The First never cuts the connection to Heathcliff. She doesn’t reject him because she sees him as an asshole - she rejects…
You could’ve done away with the ‘shut-ins’ comment, though, considering how many people in fandom (particularly the part of fandom that this article deals with) are neurodivergent or people with disabilities.
Let’s just say we had a great time mocking him. For months.
Once, after an argument about how I couldn’t watch Allen movies anymore because my brain just kept going ‘look at the predator!’, a friend said ‘oh, well, I think if we watch one you’ll have to accept they’re still good and enjoyable, so you won’t think of that.’
It’s there right before Civilopedia. Like, it’s part of the game’s interface.
Yes, they should continue not featuring trans and non-binary characters in order to avoid exploiting them.
Moffat’s Who is incredibly, incredibly emotion/theme-driven. S5 uses all its convoluted time travel to ask ‘will Amy Pond finally grow up?’ (plus S8/9/10 don’t have that many time paradoxes).
(Weekes now goes by ‘they’, after coming out as non-binary a few years back.)
The Quizzy can’t come back, because they have a less set personality and background than Hawke does. It’d be like bringing back the Hero of Ferelden.