

No Bananya no life!

It’s a good thing you’re not me be cause my response would have been something along the lines of “Huh, that’s so weird. I thought this wedding was for N and me,” and then I would have turned up the batshit and hit the effects makeup hard. Do what feels right for *you*. And by that, I mean roll with the cosplay. A

Ooooh yes.

You are so my people.

Awhhh but Serenity would be amaaaaazing! Don’t let spite enter into the wedding. This is about you and your handsome husband-to-be and your special day.

Good for you for not ‘playing by the family’s rules’. My sister’s ex had a family that judged everything ... and once you give an inch with that, they take a mile.

Congratulations on the IUD and the wedding :). Get lots of rest right after the insertion and have a lot of Advil, water, and chocolate handy. I think your wedding ideas sound wonderful and I’m sure the pictures will be delightful, no matter what N’s mother thinks.

Cosplay sounds like a lot of fun. I’m sorry they don’t get that.

Twightlight Sparkle is an Alicorn. I regret that I know more about My Little Pony than I do about the Kardashians or Taylor Swift.

Seriously. I’ve had a sore throat at the base of my throat and cough all week! See you in heaven/hell/Las Vegas.

Big prayers to the Goddess for Sarah, she has more work to do.

You mean a wombful?

a prison of guilt and shame.

The scary thing is this woman says she could not afford an abortion. Yet I know from experience that its cheaper for Irish women to have one, then for alot of Americans. Yes it means travelling to mainland UK but those cost are pretty low (e.g. €20 ryanair). Also if she had looked online Abortion Support Network and

Now if only this game could get some better dick physics

I didn’t even think of that until now. Thanks. :)

Thank you!

If you shop online, you can set your Amazon Smile account to donate a small percentage of every purchase to your local PP. Mine goes to the Greater Texas affiliates, because damn if we don’t need all the help we can get down here.