It’s like every thing he says and does is about the size of his penis. Ugg
It’s like every thing he says and does is about the size of his penis. Ugg
actually it’s 4gbs of ram and Helio X20 processor,. It’s suspiciously quiet about storage space though.
Exactly. God could have made us without choice. The fact we choose to follow means something. Choice is a key element. Lifesitenew’s moderators didn’t like when I bought that up.
I used to reply on lifesitenew’s comments section till I got banned. The comment that got me banned was the whole choice argument. Choice must be a very important concept because God gave us choice above everything. Taking someone’s choice away is wrong. To me it’s as if they are trying to act as God.
that’s what I meant. I didn’t mean that the police were blaming her. I should have been more specific.
It’s bull that video evidence is out there of the assault but she still is being blamed.
I’ve suspected I have a light form of asperger’s syndrome. I have anxiety issues which I take meds for. I also have social issues (like reading people and have a hard time carrying a conversation unless it’s something I love). I am a nerd and have a few interests and hobbies I’m pretty knowledgeable about. I tend to…
That explains why I like the instrumental but think the lyrics are shit. Like holy sexual objectification batman! I made up some lyrics after hearing it once:
If you gain ten pounds we’re through
Wear this shade of blue
and this lipstick too
I had mine canceled by them and I had it preordered since September. Now I won’t get to play my game till mid next week.
I had the new LoZ game preordered via amazon till sunday when they canceled my preorder for the wii U version. Bull.
love your name btw.
My father ate nearly raw steak as I grew up. I’d get parts of his and my mothers. He’d have me cook it a little longer because I was young and he feared what eating that raw of a steak may do to my 12 year old body????
I still love them medium rare though and I don’t mind if they are on the rare…
I think that AR games should remove if asked. That should just be par for the course, not needed legislation. Fees for parks is stupid because it’s paid for by us to be used by us. How we use it is up to us. As long as it’s not breaking the law who cares if people are playing an AR game as well as being at the park.
I grew up in a house hold where both of them beat on each other but my father was the only one to get jail time. I’ve made it clear that if my husband hits and beats me outside of a Judo match or practice that WILL be the end of our marriage. I am not dealing with that ever again. That is a line I will not have…
As a nerd 115 sounds like a lot (and it is) but don’t ever look into the world of ball joint dolls. X_x
I don’t have American girl dolls. I was there when my niece got hers last year at the MOA store. I on the other hand have 50 or so Japanese action figures that I like to pose and make scenes with. There are YouTube channels devoted to making 1:12th sized stuff for posing and interaction. It’s a hobby even though it’s…
That is definitely something against the 14th amendment (which was the whole reason we had roe vs wade). Someone needs to get a lawyer up there and sue that shit off the records.
We know Trump has money somewhere in that pipeline so of course he’s going to push it.
It’s like we know he’s had quite a few mistresses besides the one’s he’s married and I could probably guess and be right on him pressuring them into an abortion at one point and time. He ‘claims’ to be against abortion but he’s…
Just the other day I was talking to my husband about trump and all the ‘issues’ he has. I said,
“Why is it that everything seems to be about the size of his dick with Trump?!” We both laugh but at the same time both sigh in frustration because it’s true.
Actually the Bible has a mandated abortion in Numbers. If the husband thinks that his wife has been unfaithful she is to be taken to the temple, drink something made from stuff found on the temple floor, and if she’s been faithful nothing will happen. If she hasn’t the descirption is her stomach will rot and sounds…