
@NuevoLeon: I seriously doubt they changed anything so far. And if they did, there is no way that anyone who has the iphone 4 would not be able to get a new phone as well. Think how much chaos would break out if they told everyone who bought a phone in the last month that they were stuck with the problem while

Ugh. I could have used this a day ago, when i was in ny. we did nothing but take the subway. damn it!

@dcdttu: What's not fair? To say that people should check in their own area instead of assuming verizon is the best and att sucks? I think that's very fair. No one I know in Miami has Verizon, they hate it. Im not saying that ATT doesnt have problems, but people shouldnt automatically assume that where they live they

@dcdttu: I had verizon for 5 years before switching myself and family to at&t. Their signal in Miami was not only not better than att, it was worse in many cases. We could never call or text anywhere in our house, not with att we can. I know this isnt the norm, but people should research their own area before

I feel for the users experiencing this. I just got my iphone 4 and cannot replicate this problem. I have better signal than I did on my 3gs. I love the new design, it makes fingerprints and smudges so much less noticeable than older iphones. The back of the 3gs was a nightmare, you could never get it clean enough to

@lpranal: You too? I even called on the 24th and was told they have my phone, and I could come in on the 25th to get it. i made an appointment to come at 600pm. Got a call back an hour later saying it was a mistake, and they didnt get my 32 gig. Im still waiting for them to get it

Still waiting on my Iphone 4 that I preordered from Best Buy on the 15th, and was promised on the 24th.... I am so pissed

The most surprising part of this story is that you preordered your phone from best buy and actually got it. I am one of the many folks who preordered from them on the 15th (actually had to go into the store to do it, they wouldnt do it over the phone), called on the 24th to make an appointment to come get it, was told