
Exactly - the choice between “old man who’s not all there” and proudly evil old man who’s not all there” should really be an easy one.

I sort of got the slack people were willing to cut Tesla twelve years ago when the Model S was introduced. They were trying to shake up the way cars were built, sold, and used. What Tesla was doing was hard.

I thought it took a lot of guts to take a big swing atmospherically for the season opener, but it’s like the creators know that they are in the right place and time to benefit artistically from the foundation they’ve created and the public’s awareness of their show’s quality to be able to pull something off like this.

This was absolutely NOT a filler episode. 

Incredible episode. 

i know you cant please all of the people all of the time. but this episode...


i found myself wanting absolutely NO dialogue, but then it started creeping in and i warmed to it. who hasnt gone through a mental breakdown of “everything that has led to this moment” before? you jump around from incident to

I was definitely not expecting a B- grade for this one. I was mesmerized the entire episode. It was an easy A for me. I thought it was utterly brilliant.

Some enterprising internet folks should find out who this guy is, and spread the word around discretely so that all the service workers at the restaurants he visits can spit in his food or deliberately get his order wrong repeatedly.

New drugs don’t drive down the price of a class of drugs. They all just sell them all for the same price. They maybe even collude to do so, but proving that is hard. Once two or three go generic, the prices will come down to compete with the generics. But prior to patents expiring, the manufacturers jack up prices in

You know, I’m starting to think that these Cybertrucks aren’t that good. If anything, they’re... hold on, there’s someone banging on my door yelling about how Elon is taller than I am.

Are they carving private user data on elegant wooden balls (for some reason)?

I now want to see TNG with Abe Vigoda as Captain.

Whenever I hear the play The Importance of Being Earnest mentioned, I have to remind myself that it’s not a biography of Jim Varney. 

You’ve been able to turn this off for years. They have just hidden it as option you can only select on Desktop, but it will reflect to whatever platform you are using on the TV.

incredible piloting


I think there’s a better name for them than Chair Droids. They are literally... Pilot Seats.

Even simpler than that, but requires people to do two things at a specific period of time (2017-2018) that they weren’t doing: know economics and pay attention to what Congress was actually doing aside from kissing Trump’s ass.

Trump and the GOP-controlled Congress passed a massive tax cut bill in 2017 that

Eh. Fine. Just can we please have a little less saccharin over-encouragement for new recruits/ensigns? It was really hard to watch those ‘You can do it. You did such a great job. I’m so proud of you.’ scenes in this season of discovery.

I’ll watch it for Mike Flanagan.