
The Man in The DeLorean in The Mandalorian.

Good for Gizmo

Gilligan’s Island ?!? Is this some internet in-joke of which I’m unaware, or just a dumb mistake? Or have I finally lost it, and my memory is completely shot? Did Don Adams play Gomez Addams? Were there really two different Darrens?

It’s the “good times will never end” of low gas prices that happens every decade or so. I got premium for less than a dollar in the late 90s and it regularly stayed between $1-2 on average and creeped up to $4-6 in 2008. It’s how you got V10 Ford Excursions with 10mpg and no one blinked. Then the small car boom in

Picture lock
a stage in editing a film or editing a television production. It is the stage prior to online editing when all changes to the film or television program cut have been done and approved.” Wikipedia.

There are no pages.

The less said about his “Tom Bombadil Sings!” LP the better.

Yeesh, I don’t even have to look up the fact that Virginia Madsen played her in Lynch’s version.

I want to know who they’re talking to for Harah!

There’s a joke waiting to be written here. I’m just too lazy to work on it.

“ a terrible position. On top of it all, I have to look down at you every time I touch you.”

About as lazy as most of the writers here

Now playing

Not necessarily a joke written about it, but Doug had a few laughs going over that atrociously stupid navigation system. The system is the joke...

Dates end badly that way. Even the ones you pay $2000 for. 

I'm just disappointed I left a customer unsatisfied.

...and no reach around?”

Once you go Blackwood, you never go back.

and arguably racist”

I don’t know if this was an attempt to not bring up embarrassing details, but essentially, she stripped off some of her clothes and set them on fire in the driveaway and then took the rest of her clothes off, poured gasoline on her dog that she started to chase around seemingly attempting to set both herself and the

Bobby Brown is going take Every Little Step over to that 560 SEC.

1st gear: they never react quickly enough. I was constantly being flashed by other drivers. They may need 9 more years.