
I immediately had an Xpel ppf coating put on all the paint and a ceramic coating put on over that.”

Erin? THAT Erin? Erin Marquis? Are you back?

Holy crap, that is dumbest thing I’ve seen all day, and I work on “The Bachelor,” so that’s really saying something.

I’ll take mine with a milk steak, boiled hard, and a side of your finest jelly beans, please.

The Hutt effect has definitely improved from the original Special Edition version...

Not an easter egg exactly, but I *love* that the voice of the palace droid is Matt Berry. Looking forward to a future episode where the palace is attacked and he vanishes after shouting “BAT!”

Her secret? OK, here’s what I’ve got: the Rand Corporation... in conjunction with the saucer people... under the supervision of the reverse vampires...

I think we should all chip in and buy this property for David Tracy to store his Jeep collection and start a museum.

Enrico Colantoni will always be Elias to me.....

I know the low quality video must be masking some nasty damage, but it seems like it held up quite well. Bumper still in place, tail lights apparently intact... the little bugger appears to be tough!

My mother used to work at a hotel, which had a gift shop that sold Beanie Babies. Every week, she’d bring a few home because her employee discount made the cost of each one almost negligible. By the time Beanie Fever took off, she had amassed a sizable collection. We came to find out that my had stumbled upon three of

Vikings used to decorate their teeth with grooves. so, if she does, it may be more historically accurate than you think. 

Soul red is one of the best auto paints ever.

I know it’s my nerd bias talking, but “Into the Spider-Verse” deserved the best picture for that year. It checks off all the boxes. Great story, great performance, great writing, great acting, visually stunning and technically marvelous. (googles Oscars for that year) Frickin Green Book?!?

What would the Salty Waitress’ take on this experience be?  Would it be justified to get huffy with the waiters after that?

“Oh hey who’s that quoted on the cover”

It just makes me appreciate the Homestar Runner website even more that from the beginning they didn’t let any advertisers on it.

Yes, but most men can’t find them. :D

Didn’t bother doing even five seconds of googling about King Ranch either...  These self-writing slideshow articles where they paste 10 responses to the question de jour have zero effort.

Every molecule of H2O that you ingest, be it from drinks, food, breathing humid air, some of the water you get in your nose when you swim, etc. hydrates you. A normal diet, eating and drink pretty much what you feel like, will completely satisfy your hydration needs. No one who is otherwise healthy is walking around